Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Social Scientists Reflection

 1. By understanding the past can help us to understand the world that we live in the presence. In Humanity we have been looking at the artifacts from early civilizations and early man. First, I will talk about what was the past like. Then secondly, I will show why understanding the past helps us understand our world.

    First of all, what was the past like? Well, in the past the humans those days were half ape and half human. There were animals like saber tooth tigers and they all ended up the same way, extinct. Some people say that the cave men are fully human but that is not true because the oldest hominids that we discovered were half ape and half human. The oldest hominid's brain was very small, but slowly the man's brain became bigger and by the time the early modern humans their brains became as big as the brains we have today. The cave paintings were not painted 2 to 3 million years ago. The cave paintings were actually were painted 35,000 to 12,000 years ago. The hominids that drew the paintings were the earlier Doubly Wise Man. That concludes my first paragraph about what was the past like.
   Second of all, I will talk about why understanding the past helps us understand our world. By understanding the past we will know what kind of animals lived in the parts of the world and how they are related to the animals that live in the presence. For example, the saber tooth cats lived  North America until the continent of South America collided with North America and after that they moved across the border and settled down in South America also. They are also related to the cats family like tigers, lion, cheetahs, leopard, and  jaguars. Another reason is because the past will tell us what kind of tools they made and how much more intelligence we achieved since then. One example for this is 1 to 3 million years ago the weapons they used were simple as sharp rocks or just normal rocks to throw at their opponent, but now we invented the nuclear weapons, guns, swords, bows and arrows, and axes. That example show how much more intelligent we became since the time of the earliest hominids ever discovered. This will be the end of the 2nd paragraph about why understanding the past will help us understand our world.

  • PMc/s1600/Saber-tooth.jpg (saber tooth cat live)
  • (saber tooth cat skeleton)
  • (stone weopns)
  • (guns)

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