Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New years Resolutions

Happy New Year

It's been a long time since I've made a blog post. Well you know when a year past and a new one comes we are supposed to make a new years resolution? Well in Humanity we are supposed to write 2 resolutions which has to at least be 2 paragraphs so, I hope you enjoy it.

 One of my resolutions is becoming a better learner. This is because I want to have more knowledge so I will be able to understand other people’s thoughts and ideas. This will not just affect my school learning abilities but it will make me a better understanding person in the society. Another reason why I choose this resolution is because right know in Humanity I have a B+ and this is because I was not organized and did not turn in my homework on time sometimes. Sometimes I forgot a project that we had 1 week to work on I try to finish in one day and I did not revise it at all so I got an bad grade for that. Ways that I can make myself a better learner is by making a list at the beginning of the day about what I have to do and making box next to the things so as I finish them I can tick them off. Another way I can become a better learner is by coming home straight away and doing my homework before I eat my snack or do any entertainment. Another way is by taking notes while the teacher is saying something important so when we have a test I will have notes to help me study for it. Another reason why I want to become a better student is because I want to learn more about things. For example for Humanities I want to learn about history and such. I can achieve that by listening carefully and participating in class, which I don't do all the time. This Humanity topic brings up another topic, which is about grammar, capitalizations and punctuations.

There is another resolution I have and this is improving grammar, capitalizations and punctuations. This is because right now I am not that good at writing because I make a grammar or punctuations mistake. I can improve by buying a workbook and finishing it properly. Another thing I can do is I can go ask for help to my Humanity teacher and listen carefully when a teacher is teaching us anything about grammar, capitalizations and punctuations. Another way I can improve is by reading lots of books. My mom told me the more books I read, the better my English gets.  Today in class we learned that some of us prefer reading fiction books so we do not read non-fiction book because it’s hard for us. So I decided to read a fiction book than read a non-fiction book and so forth. This brings up another resolution I have and that is Vocabulary (Word choice).

         Another resolution I have is improving my Vocabulary. I choose this resolution because I do not have a large vocabulary unlike some people in my class (nick). I want to improve on this because I want to be able to write as good as a native speaker and I love writing. I can achieve this goal by reading harder books and where there is a hard word I will look it up on a dictionary so I will know what it means next time. My mom told me by looking up the dictionary my vocabulary will grow like a tree. Another way I can do to make my goal a reality is by getting a book about Vocabulary and read it and understand all of them and write it out until I remember it and at the end make a big test of all the vocabulary I learned to make sure that I have learned all the vocabulary. I think those are the ways to get my resolution to be completed.

The final resolution I have is to improve in my athletics. These athletics are basketball and soccer. As well as academics I need to be fit. I am not trying to brag but I think I’m pretty good in basketball because I have been doing it since 1st grade but I want to become good as the 8th graders so I will be able to go into the U15 basketball team. Another reason why I want to improve in basketball because I love basketball and I want is good at it. I want to also improve in soccer because last soccer season I was not chosen for the Phuket team (the best 12 people in the whole team). This gave me a goal. That is to get into the Phuket team next year. To do this I will practice everyday. I will shoot a ball into a goal at least 50 times and do push ups and pull ups a thousand time per day so I will be more fit and faster. While the summer vacation instead of sitting on the coach watching worthless TV I will practice my dribbling and such so I become the best I can be. As you know you have to work hard to get what you desire.  Those are ways to make myself a better athlete.

This is AkiraF
Signing Out

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