Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bullying or NO Bully?

    Hi! This is my 5th blog entry. On this blogpost I will tell you a time I bullied someone and it heart their feeling and did not care. Back in 2nd great I was the side bully.

4 years ago in Japan

    When I was in 2nd great there was a boy whose name was Takhase Uta and a lot of people bullied him with physical ways, verbal and non-verbal. At recess in lunch he was not in a group. Not a single person went up to him and played with him. Even if anybody goes near him it was either a mistake or he or she came to insult him. 

    One day while class, the teacher went out of the classroom and he said he would be back in 50 minutes and told us to get ready for the final math exam. As soon as he went out all the girls went to this girl called Kawaguchi Madoka, the most popular and the cutest girl in class, and started talking about who they like and who they think is weird. While the boys ganged up and then went to Takhase Uta’s desk and started calling him names. Boy 1 said, “bugger eater! Go to hell!” Boy 2 followed up, “you don’ have any friends and you will never have a girlfriend loser!” The boy 1 looked at boy 2 with a look that said ‘what are you talking about? You don’t have a girlfriend’. A thought dashed through my mind. Should I help Takhase or join the rest of the boys teasing him or just watch?  Then I spoke up, “who’s your mom Godzilla?” Everybody laughed even the girls. Then he showed a face saying I had enough of insults could you jerks leave me alone!?  Then the leader of this gang saw his face then he said, “you want a piece of me punk! Do you want a fight? Who do you want to fight? Boy1 or Boy2 or Boy3 or Boy4 or Boy5 or Boy6(me)?” Takhase did not move a muscle. His face turned redder every second. There were raindrops coming out of his eyes. All the boys except my best friend Kaisuke and me. Guilt ran through my body. I made him cry. I wasn’t shore if I should be happy because I made somebody cry for the first time or I should be sorry for him. If I stood up for him I would have been picked on too. So the fear and guilt was making my arms heavy. I knew how he felt. I once was the target it was like you wanted to disappear. You wanted to get a knife and kill your self or hurt them so badly. I thought to my self I am a wimp! I did not have the courage to stand up for him! I just supported the dark side. I felt ashamed and want to apologize but if I did I would be laugh at. Then all the boys flee to their desk. Some were still laughing. I went to the girl’s group and asked what they thought I should do. Then they told me I should talk to him after school so I would be with him alone and nobody will be there except my best friend.

After the last subject

    I packed my bag slowly knowing that Takhase will be the last one packed. Everybody left except for some girls, Kaisuke, Takhase and me. I went up to his desk. He suddenly punched me in the stomach. It did not hurt so I started to apologize, “Hey. I am sorry about the thing that happened before the math quiz. I know I was a jerk could you please for give me?” Then he got up and said, “After you stab my back like that be friends? No way. I thought I could trust you but I was wrong!” Then, he just walked off.  I knew there was no way that could fix this problem now. Even thought he is weird just like any other kid  when he states a sentence and walk away it is really hard to make him change his mind. As he disappeared to the streets I knew that I just lost one valuable friend.

    Now if the same situation happened again I would stand up for Takhase because I have more courage now. I don’t care if the other boys laugh at me or call me names. I can handle it. Then I will gain his trust again.

Two goals that I have for this year to help everyone at ISKL feel safe is...
  1. Do not use bad use of language and violence to a problem 
  2. Do not use technology as a weapon to bully 

1 comment:

  1. Great blogpost! :) I like how you described the indecision you felt; should you help Takhase or join the other boys in teasing him?
    I really liked how you said "There were raindrops coming out of his eyes", instead of teardrops. It was also nice how you described that your fear and guilt was making your arms heavy, it really shows how you felt at the time!

    -Hime the Liker of the Color Orange :P
