Some people think that discussing about the chapter we read is just a waste of time or just something that the teachers gives you to torture you but it is not. By discussing about the chapter it will make you have a better understanding of the book. Also you will be able to hear what other people's ideas about the book. This will help you in a lot of ways. One way is by hearing what other people's ideas you will have a better understanding about the book. Unlike math, Humanities there is more than 1 right answer to a question, so maybe other people in your group have an interesting idea. Another reason why discussing about the book with other people will benefit you is because sometimes you might have miss read or made some typing errors on your paper. These are some reasons that discussing about a book is very useful for you.
During a discussion it is easy to make a connection with what other people are saying. One way connecting with someones ideas is having the same feeling about something. For example, let us say that the book I am reading is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows chapter 1-4. The person B starts talking about what his passage was and than I had a similar thing thinking while I read the same passage such as scared, confused, happy and so forth. Another way to connect is being in the same situation that the person in the book has or the person that is presenting has. One example is person A is talking about a time when she got chased by a few monkey and person C had a similar experience like being chased by a alligator or some dangerous animal. The final way that you can connect in the discussion is by connecting with what other people (siblings, friends, parents, relatives, ect.) went through. The final example that I will give you in this paragraph is Person D says he had a surgery on his leg and Person A's grandfather had a injury on his leg too. Then the person A will have a connection to what Person D said. These are some ways you make connections in a discussion.
While reading a book, usually people makes predictions like what they think is going to happen in the next chapter or page or the book. Well, currently I am reading Charlotte Doyle for my Lit Circle. I already read chapters 1 to 2 so I will predict that in sometime in the book there will be murder, horror, blood, and threats to the main character Charlotte Doyle from people that are on the boat that she is in at the moment.
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