Sunday, May 29, 2011

The end is near........ :( :)

           Hey Guys! As you know I am at my last few weeks of 6th grade. From the beginning I have enjoyed this year. As the year went by I have grew in many ways both academically and socially. Few of my favorite moments were the field trips to Kuala Selangor, Malaysia Week and hopefully the bowling alley. Another favorite moment was when I passed a test to see if you could skip 7th grade math. Next year in school I will be challenging the 8th grade math. As you know this is a Humanity blog so today I would like to reflect this year so that next year my teachers will be able to view what I have done in 6th grade. I will put a prompt and answer it. Hope you learn something about my life in 6th grade.

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

           In 6th grade we did tons of work and they had its pros and cons but one way or another completed it but I have a piece of work that I am most proud of. I am most proud of a blog post that I did about the Giver. I am proud of this work because of a few reasons. First of all in the comment section of the blog post, there are only positive comments. That made me feel good about my writing that I did. I am also proud of it because when I look at the work I have done in this blog and see the improvement from the first blog post and the newest. You can see that the amount of work put in to the blog post has increased by a lot. The grammar usage and word choice has become more rich. The organization has become better. In all these aspects I think my blog posts has become better in so I am really proud of that piece of work. It's also because I used the graphics to show my emotions and such so that was a improvement I made. I am also proud of my ability to learn how to write better. At the beginning of the year as I said before my vocabulary was low, made grammar mistakes, not fluid sentence, and worst of all horrible paragraph structure but as the year went by Mr. Thomas thought me how to write to the expectation. I learned how to organize my thoughts and put it in a topic sentence, evidence, example paragraph (Green, Yellow, Red). As you can see in the blog post I have learned how to organize my paragraph, I think those are the reason why I thought that piece of work and learning that I am most proud of. 

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

This year I have done loads of projects and homework. They were all challenging in one way or another. Some were easy tasks but some were challenging but I think, just like any other subject, there is the hardest projects of all time. This year I thought the 2 hardest projects were, The Egyptian Rap and the Ancient Rome Tic Tac Toe. I thought the Egyptian Rap was hard because we did not have so much time on it. I think we had about 3 classes to script the project, rehearse, and record. We had to write a song or a rap about our social class in Ancient Egypt. Before we did this we had to write 3 diary entry from an Ancient Egyptians' point of view and this person was in a social group. I was the pharaoh of the class, so for the rap I was in the group with government officials and scribes. We choose to make a parody of Dynamite by Taio Cruz. I found the time management difficult. First 2 classes we finished out script and rehearsed it a couple of times and I was satisfied with that but the in the 3rd class we only had about 10 minutes to finish recording it. We thought it was impossible but we tried any way. We were stuck on our first verse because one person kept on messing up by getting the timing wrong and the lyrics all wrong. That waisted loads of time and than the second verse went smoothly and the third to but than they called us in so we couldn't finish our project. Than came the picking of the order and I think we became 6th from first. We knew we had to present it live since we did not do a video. We were nervous and did not remember our line. I was nervous and I could see that my team was equally nervous. When we got on we were struggling because we were trying to print out the lyrics to the song and load up the song on You Tube. We were getting embarrassed in front of the class because it took us a long time to set up so I was ashamed. Than after a few minutes of cold stars we finally kicked off. We started to sing our song and the performance was just a word, "Horrible". We all knew that we failed so we put our heads down but than one of our classmates started clapping than lots of people joined in and than everybody started to congratulate us. We knew we did a bad job but it still felt good. Now I'm going to talk about the Tic-Tac

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

As I have explained in one of my blog posts I have the learning profile B. This year I have learned a lot about myself as an learn and one thing that I learned is that I work best when I am alone because if I'm working near people than I usually chat with them for a long time. If I am supposed to finish a blog post and somebody is sitting near me than the blog post that would take about 30 minutes will last for more than a hour. I also learned that I work well when I have only have 1 tab open on the Internet. Usually when I have more than 1 tab open I usually have my mail open and if anybody else is online I usually chat with them. When I am chatting with them I waste my time so it takes more time to finish my work. I learned that I work best when I am alone and concentrating on one thing.

 4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

                 a) Behavior

                 Could be improved
                     Perfect - the model student

Answer: I said satisfactory because I usually behave during classes but once before a class I had a fight with another class mate so that brought my behavior meter down. In class I listen to the teacher and participate in activities appropriately. I usually don't do bad behavior because I know that it's wrong and the out come is not going to be good so I don't misbehave. 

                 b) Participation

                     Actively participate in class

Answer: I choose "Actively participate in class" because I usually put my hand up in class to answer a question. In math when there are problems asked or on the white board, I usually raise my hand to shout the answer out loud. I like participating in the class because I learn more things than other kids does because when I am learning a concept I say it out loud so that means I will learn it better. 

                 c) Organization

                 Needs serious help
                     I'm super organized

Answer: Now let's look at my organization. I have been turning in my projects and homework on time from the beginning of the year. In that point of organization I would grade my self a super organized because I turn in my home work and I do my home work before the dew line. But on the other hand my physical education is horrible. I have a locker at school and the inside of it looks like a jungle and that would be offending the jungle. I am not that organized with my locker. It is not that neat but you can still find what you need inside it so I said satisfactory.

                 d) Effort

                 Needs serious help
                      I always go above and beyond what is require

Answer: I think my effort this year is satisfactory. I say this because sometimes I don't give my 100% effort. In graded work I give all my effort to make it as perfect as possible but if the assignment is not graded I don not give all my effort because I usually don't care about projects that are not graded because it's not graded but this doesn't mean that I don't put effort into it. I do put some effort into the ungraded project but not all of my effort. That is why I think my effort is satisfactory

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to keep up with everybody in Advanced Integrated Al-Geo or in other words        8th grade math. This is because I don't want to drop out of that class and go to the 7th grade class. It would be embarrassing and shameful to my family and I do not want to rub mud on my face. 

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to turn in everything on time and put in my best effort in every work I turn in for grading. I want to do this because I want to have a good grade in my second year with grades.


6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

I am a student that likes to be challenged. I say this because I like hard tasks because if I complete it I feel great about myself for doing something that is hard. I want to be challenged in 7th grade next year. I am also a student who is eager to learn new things. I want to know lots of things about this world so that in the future it might help me. I like learning new things because it helps me get more knowledge. I want to learn lots of thing so when anybody asks me a question I will be able to answer it. Another thing that the teachers should know about me is I love school. I love coming to school, studying in school and I love everything about it. Those are the things that I want the teachers to know about me.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?

My favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year is the Myth trailer project. In this project we have to read 8 Myths from 4 countries and they are Greek, Chinese, Australian and Egyptian. Than choose one of them and make a movie trailer about it. I love making movie trailers because at the end we will get to watch about 20 movie trailers in class. With different technical abilities we'll get to see different varieties of movie trailers and there also will be lots of styles. I think I am going to love the presentation day because I will be able to watch a movie trailer while learning some information. I said "I am going to love it" because we are right know doing this project. 

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?

I wish I could have spent more time on is the Egyptian rap. I say this because I think we only had 2 or 3 class days to complete this task. In this task we had to work in a group and write a song or make a parody of a song that already exist about a social class in Ancient Egypt. My group had to make a song that was about the government officials and the pharaoh. Our group was decided by out Ancient Egyptian Dairy that we wrote earlier. I had to write the diary from the prospective of a Pharaoh. My group did a parody of the song dynamite. We were good until the last day when we had to record the song. We couldn't finish the song on time just like any other group in my class. At the end we had to preform it live. I wished we had more time to work on this because if we had more time we could have done a great job with this project. 

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

I remember my first few months of middle school. I have to admit I was pretty shy and scared of lots of things like getting lost, bad grades, losing things, getting stuff mixed up, and getting embarrassed in front of the class. Well some "words of wisdom" or "advise" that I could pass on to the class of 2018 will be a few quotes. Well first do your homework the night you get it so you don't forget the home work. I know this sounds strange but you really should do your homework the day that it's been given so that you don't have to stress about it the next day. I followed this advise most of the time so I don't have any "Late" on my grades. Another advise I would give is be ORGANIZED! I know this sounds stupid but you have to be organized or else you will not do so well in some of your classes. Some projects that you will do that will need organization is Literature Circle. In these projects you have to fill out a sheet. In the sheet there is a passage, question, response to the question, connection and vocabulary. You have a week to read the book and finish filling out the sheet. You will need to be organized so that you will be able to manage your time wisely because sometimes you will be given another project to do so your schedule will become a mess. If you leave the work until the night before the due date and than rush through the work sheet than you will probably get a bad grade on that lit circles. I say this because lit circles are long and need to think deeply. In lit circle you have to think beyond normal and that means thinking beyond the text. You have to think of passages in the book that grabbed you and write why that passage was important or interesting with out a good reason the score for that section isn't good. Everything else on the sheet also the same you have to think in order to get a good grade. Well maybe not Vocabulary. A final advise would be try your best in everything no matter what it is. In school and we have a project that is not graded probably you are going to fool around. Let's be honest here we all know that you don't put 100% of your effort into a ungraded project. You would probably put in 50% of your effort so the teacher won't get too angry. This year I learned that even if the project isn't graded you should put in effort to it because you will be proud of it. Would you rather have a bad blogpost or a great one that looks like it took time to write up? If you are normal probably the second option. So the message is try your best in everything. Even if the out come isn't great, you will be proud of your self for pushing your self farther than usual. 

This is Akira Fukaya 
Signing out

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